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 This blog is made to fulfill an assignment of the course below:

Course Class: Sistem Informasi (Management Information Systems) – 02

Course Code: ENIE605028

Term: 6

Credits: 3

Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Ir. M. Dachyar, M.Sc.


Introduction to information system. Information system as a competitive advantage. IT and Electronic Commerce, Enterprise Information System (ERP), Electronic Commerce. Database dan Relational Database Management System. System Analysis and Design. Business Process, MIS and its relation with RQM dan QS. CBIS. Accounting Information System. Decision Support System. Executive Information System. Marketing, Manufacturing Information System. Financial, Human Resource Information System.

Text Books:

1. McLeod, Management Information System, 10th edition, Prentice Hall, 2006

2. Kenneth C. Laudon, Management Information Systems , Prentice Hall, 2011

Management Information Systems (MIS) is the use of information technology, people, and business processes to record, store and process data to produce information that decision-makers can use to make day-to-day decisions. In this particular course, various topics such as Enterprise Information System (ERP), Relational Database Management System, Decision Support Systems, etc.

The Lecturer of this course is Prof. Dr. Ir. M. Dachyar, M.Sc.. He is a professor in the Industrial Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia, and currently the head of Management Information System and Decision Support (MISDS) Laboratory. If you would like to learn more about him and the MIS subject, feel free to visit his blog at http://mdachyar.blogspot.com/

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